If I have speak about a essential website of journalism, I will recommend you some websites related with journalism investigation and another related with the words.
When we enter to University, the teachers says us that a good journalist is someone very comitted with the truth and the investigation. Therefore, they says us that a fundamental website is Ciper. On my opinion this is the most important center of journalism investigation on Chile beacause the journalist that can works in this place, have a lot time to search all about one specific theme. They find the clever way to search the answer of the most stranger cases.
Another pages that are very useful, is one related with the words. For example, when we are writting an article or an notice about something, and we need metion the same word many times, we need use synonyms. For these situations we can enter to Wordreference, a website with many tools that can will useful to whrite.
Finally, another app that is very useful in this career, specifically in the interviews, is Blackbox. This app allow reccord call celphone, so when we need call to a important interviwee, we can record our conversation and then transcribe this.
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